SDSU Extension and North Dakota State University Extension will host two Beef Cattle Mineral Nutrition Field Days Thursday (June 9, 2022) at the NDSU Central Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter, ND, and Friday (June 10, 2022) at the SDSU Cottonwood Field Station near Philip. The field days will begin 10am and conclude by 5pm local time.
Beef cattle mineral nutrition is a complex issue, and Extension personnel in South Dakota and North Dakota have been providing a concentrated educational programming effort on this topic for the last five years.
“It’s exciting to have some of the top researchers in this field joining us for the field days, including Dr. John Arthington from the University of Florida, Dr. Terry Engle from Colorado State University and Dr. Carl Dahlen from North Dakota State University to share their expertise and provide information about their latest research” said Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist. “This is a great opportunity for producers and nutritionists to ask the experts their questions.”
This field days are open to anyone with an interest in beef cattle mineral nutrition, and is a good opportunity to get hands-on experience while learning about the newest research from industry partners.
“This year, we decided to expand our programming efforts and potential reach by developing field days in each state,” said Janna Block, NDSU Extension Livestock Specialist based at the Hettinger Research Extension Center. “These field days will provide a hands-on opportunity for participants to collect forage samples and observe the process of conducting liver biopsies. There will be research updates from leading scientists from across the country about beef cattle mineral nutrition.”
The events will include industry updates and information on available mineral products from sponsors.
“These industry partners will provide important perspectives on mineral supplementation for producers to consider,” said Block.
Registration is $30 per person, and those interested can register online at by visiting the SDSU Extension events page and selecting the location they plan to attend. Registration will close on June 8 for the NDSU field day and June 9 for the SDSU field day. Lunch will be provided for those attending.
The Beef Cattle Mineral Nutrition Field Day is sponsored by SDSU Extension, NDSU Extension, Micronutrients, Multi-Min 90 and Zinpro.
For more information about the SDSU field day, contact Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist, at or 605-394-1722. For more information about the NDSU field day, contact Janna Block, NDSU Extension Livestock Specialist, at or 701-567-4323.
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