The EFF says it is considering a national shutdown in response to the latest fuel price increases.
From Wednesday motorists are forking out R2.43 more per litre for 93 octane petrol and R2.33 per litre for 95 octane. Diesel and illuminating paraffin have increased by R1.10/l and R1.56/l, respectively.
It costs R24.17/l for 95 unleaded and R23.94 for 93 unleaded. The wholesale price of diesel reached record highs, with high-sulphur 0.05% diesel priced inland at R23.09/l and low-sulphur 0.005% at R23.23/l.
In a joint statement, the departments of finance and mineral resources and energy said they would extend the R1.50 fuel levy holiday, which was due to expire on Tuesday, for another two months.
Why a national shutdown?
The EFF said a national shutdown would force National Treasury and mineral resources and energy minister Gwede Mantashe to introduce immediate measures to drop fuel prices.
The party said government does not have a practical and believable plan to address the rising cost of living.
“Government has demonstrated it is not interested in resolving this matter. Instead it is tone-deaf to the pleas of workers, the taxi industry and small businesses,” said the EFF.
“We will, in consultation with other key stakeholders, consider a national shutdown until the price of petrol is reduced. The National Treasury, together with the minister of energy, ought to introduce immediate measures to lower fuel and petrol prices.”
Other protests
The DA said it would protest in seven provinces against fuel price increases and to reject the government’s abuse of the prices.
DA MP and shadow minister of mineral resources and energy Kevin Mileham said the party would keep up the fight to have prices slashed.
“This government is mismanaging our finances,” he said.
“The ANC government is using the centrally controlled fuel price to thieve and loot South Africans. The exorbitant new fuel price is nothing short of criminal.”
DA Shadow Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Kevin Mileham, MP and activist are in NMB. We need you to help us #slashfuelprices. Sign our petition at
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