Nigeria exported merchandise worth N7.1 trillion in the first quarter of 2022, rising by 23.13% compared to N5.77 trillion recorded in the previous quarter and 137.88% higher than the N2.98 trillion recorded in the corresponding period of 2021.
This is contained in the foreign trade report, released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).
The increase in Nigeria’s export earnings turned the foreign trade balance in favour of Nigeria for the first time since Q2 2021 and the highest since Q3 2019. Notably, Nigeria recorded a foreign trade surplus of N1.19 trillion in review quarter compared to N173.96 billion deficit recorded in Q4 2021.
Nairametrics compiles a list of Nigeria’s top exports in the first quarter of the year.
Nigeria exported petroleum oil and oils obtained from bituminous minerals in crude form worth N5.62 trillion in Q1 2022. This represents about 79.16% of the country’s total exports in the period under review.
The N5.62 trillion is significantly higher than the N4.27 trillion recorded in the previous quarter (Q4 2021). The increase in the value of crude export earnings is attributed to the rally in crude prices recorded in the first quarter of the year.
Recall that the prices of crude oil rose significantly to as high as $127 per barrel in Q1 2022 after world economies placed trade sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine in February 2022.
Nigeria exported N655.94 billion worth of natural gas in Q1 2022, a 14% increase compared to N573.85 billion recorded in Q4 2021, and accounting for 9.24% of the total exports. The rise in the value of natural gas was largely due to the rally in the crude oil market.
Also, considering that most European countries were shunning Russian energy sources as a result of invasion of Ukraine, Nigeria was able to increase its earnings given that the African giant is also one of the world largest producers of natural gas.
Nigeria’s Urea export increased marginally in Q1 2022 to N208.39 billion from N208.05 billion recorded in the previous quarter. The export of urea, whether in aqueous solution or not, accounted for 2.93% of the country’s total export in the period under review.
The federal government had disclosed earlier in the year that the $2.5 billion Dangote Fertilizer plant has presented Nigeria as the leading producer of urea in Africa. This is following the commencement of export operations by the company to the US, India, Brazil amongst others.
Petroleum gases accounted for 1.32% of the total export recorded in the period at N93.7 billion. This is 28% higher than the N73.15 billion recorded in the previous quarter. The increase cannot be isolated from the rally recorded in the crude oil market and the subsequent global energy crisis that followed.
Nigeria exported floating or submersible drilling or production platforms worth N89.93 billion in Q1 2022, accounting for 1.27% of the total export value. Note that a submersible drilling rig is a marine vessel that is designed to float from one location to another and can be lowered onto the sea floor for offshore drilling activities.
Thank you Nairametrics. Any chance you could figure out the companies buying these products too?
It helps international studies. Thank you!
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