13:46 Mon 28 Feb 2022
Venture Minerals doubles nickel-copper-PGE portfolio with new tenure at Kulin Project in Western Australia
Venture Minerals has commenced an Underground Feasibility Study on Mount Lindsay that will leverage off the previously completed work.
Venture Minerals Ltd (ASX:VMS, OTC:VTMLF) is a company with an identity crisis. It has a portfolio of highly prospective exploration projects as well as a world class tin mining project. In fact, the title above should be more accurately renamed as An Undervalued Tin Producer.
Remember this #GreenTin Song:
The Green metal and No Emission movement has made the plight of the Tin Story important for Investors. Venture Minerals may be an accidental recipient of the Green Metal movement.
This episode of Coffee with Samso Episode 127 with Andrew Radonjic, the Managing Director, is the setting for the year 2022. In my opinion, after a fresh rising late last year, which is showing the market the confidence from the shareholders, there are many positives to come in the following months.
Andrew and I discuss what has been happening and look back on why these projects are prospective. We also talk about Mount Lindsay, Thor (Julimar look-alike), Kulin, Golden Grove North and Riley.
Kulin and the Rising Tin Price
Double Bonus with Thor and Julimar
With surging tin prices, Mount Lindsay takes the spotlight
These conversations remind shareholders and investors in the ASX why Venture Minerals should be on their watch screens and on their list of companies to do some solid DYOR.
00:00 Start
00:20 Introduction
08:35 The reason we cannot go past the Tin Prize at Mount Lindsay.
15:03 Mount Lindsay has more than Tin and Tungsten.
16:53 The update on Thor.
20:36 Kulin
26:12 Golden Grove North
30:08 Riley
35:55 Reason why the game in town is Mount Lindsay.
39:12 Conclusion
Qualifications: BAppSc (Mining Geology), MSc (Mineral Economics), MAus/MM
Mr. Radonjic is a geologist and mineral economist with over 30 years of experience in mining and exploration, with an initial focus on gold and nickel in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Andrew has fulfilled a variety of senior roles which gave rise to three gold discoveries, totalling in excess of 3 million ounces in resources and resulting in 1.5 million ounces being produced. Since 2006 Andrew has been an executive director with Venture Minerals, which he has been co-leading during the discovery of the Mount Lindsay Tin-Tungsten deposit. Andrew is a founder and recently was a director of Blackstone Minerals Limited (ASX: BSX).
Venture Minerals Ltd (ASX:VMS, OTC:VTMLF) is entering an exciting phase as the Company moved from a highly successful explorer to producer with completion of the first shipment from the Riley Iron Ore Mine in northwest Tasmania.
At the neighbouring Mount Lindsay Tin-Tungsten Project, higher Tin prices and the recognition of Tin as a fundamental metal to the battery revolution has refocused Venture’s approach to developing Mount Lindsay. Already one of the world’s largest undeveloped Tin-Tungsten deposits, the Company has commenced an Underground Feasibility Study on Mount Lindsay that will leverage off the previously completed work.
In Western Australia, Chalice Mining (ASX: CHN) recently committed to spend up to $3.7m in Venture’s South West Project, to advance previous exploration completed by Venture to test a Julimar lookalike Nickel-Copper-PGE target.
At the Company’s Golden Grove North Project, it has already intersected up to 7% Zinc, 1.3% Copper and 2.1g/t Gold at Orcus and has identified several, strong EM conductors to be drill tested along the 5km long VMS (Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide) Target Zone, along strike to the world class Golden Grove Zinc-Copper-Gold Mine. Venture recently doubled the Nickel-Copper-PGE landholding at Kulin by securing two highly prospective 20-kilometre long Ni-Cu-PGE targets.
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For further information about Coffee with Samso and Rooster Talks visit: www.samso.com.au
Samso is a renowned resource among the investment community for keen market analysis and insights into the companies and business trends that matter.
Investors seek out Samso for knowledgeable evaluations of current industry developments across a variety of business sectors and considered forecasts of future performances.
With a compelling format of relaxed online video interviews, Samso provides clear answers to questions they may not have the opportunity to ask and lays out the big picture to help them complete their investment research.
And in doing so, Samso also enables companies featured in interviews to build valuable engagement with their investment communities and customers.
Headed by industry veteran Noel Ong and based in Perth, Western Australia, Samso’s Coffee with Samso and Rooster Talk interviews both feature friendly conversations with business figures that give insights into Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) companies, related concepts and industry trends.
Noel Ong is a geologist with nearly 30 years of industry experience and a strong background in capital markets, corporate finance and the mineral resource sector. He was founder and managing director of ASX-listed company Siburan Resources Limited from 2009-2017 and has also been involved in several other ASX listings, providing advice, procuring projects and helping to raise capital.
He brings all this experience and expertise to the Samso interviews, where his engaging conversation style creates a relaxed dialogue, revealing insights that can pique investor interest.
Noel Ong travels across Australia to record the interviews, only requiring a coffee shop environment where they can be set up. The interviews are posted on Samso’s website and podcasts, YouTube and other relevant online environments where they can be shared among investment communities.
Samso also has a track record of developing successful business concepts in the Australasia region and provides bespoke research and counsel to businesses seeking to raise capital and procuring projects for ASX listings.
The information contained in this article is the writer’s personal opinion and is provided for information only and is not intended to or nor will it create/induce the creation of any binding legal relations. Read full disclaimer.
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